Sunday 3 April 2011

Evaluation Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
Our film company, Dark House Productions, is a small, independent company, which focuses on British themes and issues, turning them into more traditional, global narrative storylines. 

Our film could be distributed by companies such as Entertainment Film Distributors, who distributed British films such as: 

or another distributor I think would work particularly well is Verve Pictures:

 “Verve Pictures is an independent UK specialist film distributor, with particular emphasis on British and independent films.” (Quoted from their website)

I think our film would be shown around film festivals in the UK, as it is a very British, indie film and I think that would best reach our target audience. Although the plot has quite a global feel, and the narrative is quite traditional, the film is set in London and the themes are quite national, so I don’t think the film would be a success globally.

Some examples of the film festivals we’d exhibit at would be:

As well as having the film distributed around film festivals, we would also release the film online for a short while on sites such as youtube, after exhibiting at film festivals as it’s a teenage orientated film, and Web 2.0 is one of the most widely used platforms within the teenage audience. Because it would be available online, it would also be a good idea to provide the film on many multi-media platforms such as the technologically converged iPhone.


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